This site…

There will eventually be four sections.. As I learn there will be links for feedback/comment. This is going to take time. WordPress is a new environment for me. Previously I worked directly in WYSIWIG on a server. Now much is pre-packaged – even from a source in Ireland - [ Aut O’Matic!!!!! ] The sections will be :

  1. Comments on all sorts – usually political/social.
  2. Genealogy – Lander/Williams/Patterson
  3. My Art Gallery – for sale etc
  4. Music – Gregorian, Youtube recordings, Concerts etc

Return to managing a website…. [after years away]

From the 1990s I ran a website ‘’ largely as a means to LEARN about such. Now, after a break, I return as I have found a cousin with common interest in history/genealogy and I see a need to resume. I have to find the family material in old files and restore and renew, and ADD new material. And of course there is my musicological stuff on – [yes it gets attention worldwide.]